April 16, 2023


Episode 90 – How Nonprofits Can Thrive in Tough Times with Mark Slabaugh

Episode 90 – How Nonprofits Can Thrive in Tough Times with Mark Slabaugh
The Leadership Window
Episode 90 – How Nonprofits Can Thrive in Tough Times with Mark Slabaugh

Apr 16 2023 | 01:00:45


Show Notes

Mark Slabaugh is an executive coach with a unique background in non-profit leadership and entrepreneurship. These experiences taught him how to recruit, lead, and retain teams. He is a student of his surroundings and the people he meets. He brings expertise in a truth-telling conversation.

He tenaciously chases his personal goals and enjoys helping others leverage their skills for the team. As an executive coach, he has the joy of coaching teams with crazy dreams. He has also sat in the leader’s chair and understands the pressures business owners face. This has brought some of the greatest joy in his professional career – helping leaders accomplish a crazy dream.

Mark and his wife enjoy helping their kids chase their dreams. All four are engaged in activities and school pursuits that are unique to them. It’s been such a joy to cheer for them in sports and life.

Visit Jinks — Strategy | Clarity (slabaughcoaching.com) for more information.

Also referenced by Mark on the show:  Charles Duhigg’s book, Smarter, Faster, Better

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